Child Protection

Child Protection

Child Protection broadly involves following approaches:

1. Rescue:  Jan Jagran sansthan is working in coordination with Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU), District Labour Superintendent and Child Line to rescue the children involved in labourship, migration, child marriages or any other activities that violates their rights.

2. Prevention: Organization is working to prevent child laborship and performed all required actions to work for the rights of children. Non-school going children are encouraged to go school. Children involved in child laborship or sexually involved children are settled to have a normal life. It works for the economic up-gradation of the rescued children by giving local level livelihood support to their mothers.

 Women clubs are formed for the purpose. At village level Anti Trafficking Vigilance Committees are formed with the objective of monitoring the migrated persons and keeping their records. This group consists of the local women members like ASHA, PRI members, retired teachers etc. Their main objective behind is putting a check over unsafe migration.

3. Rehabilitation: Organization is running Rehabilitation centres for the protection of children. Rehabilitation is done in two ways: In-house Rehabilitation and Community Rehabilitation.

In-house Rehabilitation is done through sending the rescued child back to their homes whereas community rehabilitation is done through sending the child to a rehabilitation centre. Nevertheless, in both the cases progress report of the child has been tracked and monitored.

Organization is working for child protection with focus on below mentioned areas:

››   Child Labor: Elimination of child laborship is one of the focused points of the organization and it works extensively to stop child laborship throughout the project area. Village level committees are formed to identify and reach child laborers. It involves certain approaches like Child rescue, Prevention and Rehabilitation. 

››  Child Trafficking: Organisation is working in coordination with Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) to make the community aware on the issues of child trafficking and take required actions. It works extensively to initiate and promote the activities in the field of Anti Trafficking in the state. It is also working for the protection of child rights and work extensively to create awareness among the people in the area of work. It formed several local groups in the project areas consisting of male, female and children who work thoroughly for the prevention of child trafficking and exploitation. These groups creates awareness on the issue of child trafficking. Child trafficking involves rescue, prevention and rehabilitation.

››   Child marriage: Village level committees formed by Jan Jagran Sansthan along with all other concerned sources raise the cases of child marriages and the organization takes active part in stopping if happening around. It also create awareness among local communities and takes supports from local and religious leaders for stopping child marriages. It involves approaches like Rescue and Prevention. 

››   Sexually abused Children:  Organization is running campaign like Rape free India and coordinating elected members of parliament to give it a success. It will help removal of sexual assault to the children along with adults. It is also coordinating with other line of departments and also helps in providing legal aids to the victims if police is not giving support. Organization also arrange to provide advocate if victim is not able to get one. It involves Rehabilitation and prevention approach.

Organization is also working with District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) to give legal aid in the form of counselling, free advice and also free legal services in the conduct of cases before courts and tribunals.